675 Flynnwood Dr., Kernersville, NC
(336) 564-6397
All-ages community
Lighted streets
On-site maintenance
Pets welcome
Holiday parties
According to local tradition, around the year 1756, an Irishman named Caleb Story was awarded a land grant from the Royal Colony of Carolina for 400 acres of beautiful, rolling wood that would eventually come to be known as Kernersville.
Kernersville Elementaryhttps://www.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/domain/4306Rating: 5/10
Kernersville Middlehttps://www.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/kmsRating: 7/10
East Forsyth Highhttps://www.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/efhs
Paul J Ciener Botanical Garden
Körner's Folly
Old Salem Museum & Gardens
Phone number: (336) 564-6397
Email: cedargrove@lassocommunities.com